September 25, 2013

Breakdance is one element of hip hop. In the music breakdance need to complete it. Be a b-boy who must master all the moves breakdance.
Inside there are some movements of breakdancing:
1. Toprocks
This movement is most concerned with the rhythm. This dance is usually done at the beginning of the show as a warm up to some acrobatic style. This movement is done with a series of steps berdiri.Gerakan position is easy movement commonly done by b-boy and b-girl.Contoh toprock movement:
Basic toprock, side-step, boyoing, power step, power step hop, latin rock.

The motion carried every movement on the ground floor. This movement also involve the lower body to work hard.
3.power moves
The movement desperately need more physical strength. At this lower body movements are more common to perform the movement. This movement makes a visible wow.Contoh breakdance moves:
flares, swipe, windmill, back spin, side spin, halos, head spin, head slides

4. Freezes
This movement requires balance due on said movement is often difficult to have to hold him on the ground and hold beban.Contoh movement;
Freez baby, water chair, head stand, hollowback, dead Freez, Freez shoulder, elbow Freez, g-kick, pike, flags, side chair ..

This movement is a movement rather mudah.Gerakan is done by rotating both legs and arms become the foundation of the body.

This movement is done with the agility of foot memrelukan. This movement can be done while standing or in movement lantai.Contoh:
cofee grinder, spindle, shuffles, kick-outs, zulu spins, swapping

This movement is the same as gerakn rotor blades on a computer that is playing the left foot and right foot jump or vice versa.

posted by jannifer kumendong